Let's get started!

I help ambitious professional women like you create healthy money habits, take control and create financial freedom.
Together, we'll overcome financial stress, chaos and feelings of being "stuck".

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Look what's on!

High achieving,
working hard,
Earning Good,
But getting nowhere?

Sound familiar?

And I'm here to tell you there is another way!
It's time to take your power back.
I will help you reach your  value based goals, overcome money behaviours that sabotage financial success and freedom.
You will  feel empowered  & have clarity to move towards your vision with confidence.

Let me help you gain the transformation & freedom you desire in your finances

Are you spending more time worrying about your money, than enjoying your money?

I get you, because I've been there.

You want to create a life of freedom & pursue your passions  with no money worries.
You want to see where your money goes & be in control.
You want to feel confident, unstuck and make money decisions easily.
You want to  heal from past money mistakes & create healthy money habits.

1-1 or group coaching . You choose.
You will go on a journey of healing, transformation & thriving. Gain insights into your money story and overcome unhealthy money behaviours.
We will tailor a money plan that works for you, using effective emotional and practical tools to help you create the life you desire. 

If Coaching is not your thing, then these workshops will quest your thirst for learning.
Practical empowerment  workshops so you can have confidence in various money topics.
Face-face or online. You choose! 

start right here

How can I help?

Let's get you there!

Money coaching isn't just about reaching goals, but about healing and overcoming self limiting beliefs, mindsets and habits  to help you find true financial freedom.

Goodbye Stress, HELLO Freedom!


A time for you! We will create a tailored money plan, using tools targeting both the emotional and practical sides of money. The plan/budget will help you gain clarity, achieve your value based goals and create the life you desire.

Create a Unique, Personal Strategy


Your finances don't need to be scary to talk about. You don't have to feel "stuck". You can get help now. I will help you create order and a process with your money. You will wish you had started earlier. Say hello to financial freedom, empowerment and success.

Start with a hello!


Is as easy as one, two, three

Getting your Finances back on track

say goodbye to fear & CHAOS 
 say yes to thriving !


Book a strategy call

Book a FREE Strategy Call to find out how you can feel empowered, reach your goals and create financial  freedom.

find out more

It gives me great joy to see you grow in your finances. Financial stress, lack of clarity and anxiety don’t have to be a part of your story.

As an ambitious woman, you worked hard in your career and earn a 'decent income'. But, when it comes to money its different. 
You feel "stuck" and "overwhelmed".
I want to help you prosper and create the life you love.


I'm Wendy


Hear What others are saying

I would highly recommend Wendy and her services to anyone wanting to take control of their finances, get clarity and achieve their money goals!

Michelle - Administration Assistant

Mary - PR Consultant

She helped me organize my finances, presenting me with an overall picture of my personal and business financials and provided great solutions to lower my expenses.

Meet wendy

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